Hi, I'm Mary!

Thank you so much for visiting my website!
I'm a freelance writer and proofreader based in the Scottish Borders. I was homeschooled and, as I grew up, books about historical Christians strengthened my faith by showing me how God is faithful throughout every century — and how He has worked in and through ordinary men and women (like you and me!). These books, along with studying the English Civil War at A-Level, left me with a passion for history.
I'm fascinated by 17th-century England, and the picture on the teacup is inspired by early modern London (the church towards the right is based on the original St Paul's Cathedral, which was destroyed during the Great Fire of London in 1666). My other areas of interest include early 20th-century China and Russia.
At present, I'm working on a book aimed at 8–12 year-olds – check back to my blog for writing updates! In my spare time, I enjoy origami, herbal tea and learning Chinese (我正在学中文).
What I write
I enjoy writing fiction and nonfiction that explores how it might have felt to live during critical points in history — such as Restoration London with its steaming teacups, glowing braziers and smoky coffeehouses.
Most of all, I love writing about historical Christians — men and women who God used in their time, just as He can use us today. There's real encouragement to be found in learning about church history, because God has done great things for His people throughout every historical era – and He is unchanging.
'The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.' — Psalm 126:2